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Toggle_check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
58inVRsRefactorResolvedNormalinVRs uses std::auto_ptr in several places04/21/2015 05:18 PM
57inVRsBugNewNormalCollisionMap indirectly relies on undefined behaviour (warning -Waggressive-loop-optimizations in GMTL 0.6.1)04/21/2015 02:35 PM
55inVRsFeatureIn ProgressNormalAdd particle effects library to inVRsJohannes Zarl-Zierl08/28/2013 11:51 AM
54inVRsRefactorNewNormalRefactor SystemCore to be Scenegraph Independent12/01/2012 03:18 PM
51inVRsFeatureNewNormalImplement non-GUI version of OpenSGApplicationBaseJohannes Zarl-Zierl08/28/2013 11:50 AM
50inVRsBugNewNormalInteraction: reset environment scale06/28/2011 09:09 AM
49inVRsBugNewNormalEventPipe initialization & PreloadModules06/28/2011 09:11 AM
48inVRsFeatureNewNormalNormalized Entities05/25/2011 03:45 PM
47inVRsRefactorNewLowinVRs Namespace02/10/2011 04:40 PM
43inVRsFeatureNewNormalOpenSceneGraph supportsam g06/12/2011 04:10 PM
42inVRsRefactorNewNormalintroduce DEBUG_POSTFIX "d" for all the libraries06/12/2011 04:16 PM
41inVRsFeatureNewNormaladd dynamic representation file type11/11/2010 10:02 PM
39inVRsRefactorNewLowMove convenience functions from XMLTools to UtilityFunctions11/05/2010 03:24 PM
37inVRsBugNewLowcheck oops ode-0.11.1 compatibility06/28/2011 07:03 PM
34inVRsFeatureNewLowcreate wrapper around SkyBox01/20/2011 01:46 PM
31inVRsRefactorNewNormalrefactor glutdevice and glutsensordevice06/12/2011 04:13 PM
29inVRsFeatureNewNormalsupport properties in the configuration06/07/2011 05:15 PM
28inVRsFeatureNewNormaluse xml namespaces for improved xml validation10/19/2010 11:24 AM
27inVRsBugNewLowuser name is not setable06/12/2011 04:28 PM
19inVRsBugNewLowUsing option controlWindowImage causes huge performance loss over remote X06/23/2010 04:02 PM
16inVRsBugNewNormalFix selection action cleanup when client disconnects08/28/2013 01:40 PM
15inVRsFeatureNewNormalUpdate implementationClass element in EntityType configuration08/28/2013 01:41 PM
14inVRsFeatureIn ProgressNormalCreate build structure template for external building of Modules and tools08/28/2013 01:41 PM


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