Feature #34

create wrapper around SkyBox

Added by sam g over 14 years ago. Updated about 14 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:10/29/2010
Priority:LowDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Target version:-


a simple wrapper around the SkyBox would be useful, which supports to configure the SkyBox via a XML file. So you don't have to alter source code, to change the skybox

Related issues

Related to Feature #41: add dynamic representation file type New 11/11/2010


#1 Updated by Johannes Zarl-Zierl about 14 years ago

Maybe this can be handled using the same techniques as in feature request #41?

#2 Updated by sam g about 14 years ago

Johannes Zarl wrote:

Maybe this can be handled using the same techniques as in feature request #41?

the difference between these two approaches is that the skybox need to be updated per Frame (actual camera position) from that you wouldn't win that much if you can configure a skybox as an entity. the basic idea behind #41 is more an one time shot, which means instead of loading a offline-stored model, create the model directly within the code.

e.g. I used it for my current project to create an entity model, which is a volume.

I currently implemented for my current project the skybox as an application module, which acts like a mixin into an applicationbase class

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