
User documentation

inVRs Installation Instructions

06/20/2010 07:06 PM

Download and install the inVRs framework. The distribution files are provided here as well as links to the external libraries used and other useful resources for VR application development. Additionally the instructions for a successful installation under Windows, Linux or MacOS X.

Configuring the inVRs Framework

06/20/2010 07:46 PM

This document provides a detailed insight in the XML configuration of the inVRs framework. The DTDs for verification are available for download here or online under

PhD Thesis

06/25/2010 01:48 PM

The Thesis "A Collaborative Interaction Framework for Networked Virtual Environments" describes the conceptual aspects behind the framework. Additionally the scientific concepts are explained in a variety of publications. An overview of these publications is given in the Bibliography section.


08/03/2010 02:59 PM

A link to the code documentation based on Doxygen. The code dcumention of inVRs can be browsed online at the Doxygen section, or altenatively it can be automatically generated offline with the help of the Doxygen documentation system which is available here ....

Technical documentation

Coding Conventions

06/20/2010 07:04 PM

The coding conventions for developing own inVRs code and tools.

inVRs Documentation Template

06/20/2010 07:41 PM

If you want to contribute to the documentation of the framework you can find a LaTeX document template here.


Tutorial 1 - Medieval Town

08/03/2010 03:06 PM

The presented tutorial illustrates a set of key concepts of the inVRs framework and demonstrates easy and consistent application development. The focus is set on fast application prototyping by using the already existing modules and the system core. Writing individual components or enhancing already available components requires a deeper insight in the framework and is therefore consequentially left out.

Tutorial 2 - Going Immersive

08/03/2010 03:13 PM

This tutorial is designed to give an introduction into the slightly advanced features of the inVRs framework. The various setup mechanisms of the previous tutorial are wrapped into functions, which make it much more straight forward to use inVRs.

The use of VR hardware focusing on stereoscopic multi-display installations and tracking systems is explained in depth. In order to create your own input from arbitrary input devices an introduction into that aspect is given. Considering NVEs it is often important to represent the remote user properly. This aspect is covered with an additional explanation of the needed coordinate systems.

Tutorial 4 - Developing VR Applications with inVRs

08/03/2010 03:15 PM

The tutorial was held at the IEEE VR 2010, Waltham, MA on Saturday March 20th (morning). To improve the development process of Virtual Environments and Networked Virtual Environments the inVRs (interactive networked Virtual Reality system) application framework provides a clearly structured approach for the design of highly interactive and responsive NVEs. It consists of three independent modules, one for interaction, one for navigation, and one for network communication, two interface layers to support a variety of output and input devices, and a system core which stores and manages the state of the VE.

Mixed Reality Systems Lecture @ JKU, Linz

08/04/2010 07:50 PM

This document collection contains examples from the lecture Mixed Reality Systems, which was taught at the JKU in Summer Semester 2010. The code of these examples was provided by Georg Stevenson and Samuel Gratzl. These examples are to be used with an inVRs/OpenSG2 build under a Windows environment.

DIY Head Tracking using the Wii Remote

08/20/2010 07:07 AM

In this tutorial the development of a simple and cheap Head Tracking solution with inVRs will be presented. It covers the building of the required hardware for enabling head tracking, the configuration and building of the required software, as well as the development of the inVRs application which interprets the tracking data.



06/25/2010 01:57 PM

The goal of the Avatara package is to allow the animation of arbitrary models with the help of a skeleton. The modeling of the avatar itself as the appropriate skeleton and animation sequences can be performed in a modeling tool, like for example Blender, Maya, or 3D Studio Max. The generated models and animations are exported separately in proprietary file formats from the modelling tool with the help of tool-specific scripts.

CAVE Scene Manager

06/25/2010 01:54 PM

The CAVE Scene Manager (CSM) is a wrapper for the OpenSG multi-display functionality, which allows the easy configuration of a multi-display setup via text files. It was developed by Adrian Haffegee of the Centre for Advanced Computing and Emerging Technologies (ACET) at the University of Reading, UK as part of his MSc Thesis.

3D Menus

06/25/2010 01:53 PM

Often it is neccessary to trigger application parts or configure parameters of the application. A common way to implement this functionality is the use of menus in the virtual world. This package allows the use of basic planar menus, which can be included in a world centred or a user centred way.

Free Form Deformation

11/04/2010 11:58 AM

Designing virtual worlds requires tools, supporting artists and engineers to create 3D models for artificial environments. These models may have a large number of polygons which the designer would rather deform in a generic manner instead of deforming each vertex or polygon separately. The free-form deformation (FFD), introduced by Thomas W. Sederberg and Scott R. Parry, is a capable tool for deforming objects in a simple and quick way with promising results.


01/03/2011 08:52 PM

Enabling steering for your application


  • inVRs revision r2207 or newer (or release version >= 1.0 Alpha6)
  • Build inVRs with INVRS_ENABLE_UFO

Changes to your application

Add the following code to the display loop of your application:

Example Projects

Picture CAVE

10/14/2010 05:05 PM

PictureCAVE is an inVRs-application to hang up pictures in a virtual room designed for a CAVE. You can add pictures from mobile devices to the virtual environment via Bluetooth. The document explains in detail how PictureCAVE is implemented. The application was developed by Thomas Hribernig during the Mixed Reality Systems course SS 2010 at the JKU Linz....