CAVE Scene Manager


The CAVE Scene Manager (CSM) is a wrapper for the OpenSG multi-display functionality, which allows the easy configuration of a multi-display setup via text files. It was developed by Adrian Haffegee of the Centre for Advanced Computing and Emerging Technologies (ACET) at the University of Reading, UK as part of his MSc Thesis.


  • Support of multi-display installations
  • Parsing and processing of a common configuration format
  • Support of tracking systems
  • Allows development on desktop systems and usage on immersive installations without recompiling


CAVESceneManager-1.0.tar.gz - CAVESceneManager 1.0 source distribution in tar.gz - format (32.9 KB) Christoph Anthes, 06/25/2010 01:54 PM - CAVESceneManager 1.0 source distribution in zip - format (45.5 KB) Christoph Anthes, 06/25/2010 01:54 PM