Feature #41

add dynamic representation file type

Added by sam g about 14 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:11/11/2010
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Target version:-


up to now you can load model files in VRML, OSG,.. format.

the problem is if you have a complex object, which for example requires to specify a shader, like the terrain of the medieval town tutorial. The current solution is to export a partial scenegraph in the OSG format and import it afterwards.

Unfortunately the OSG format changed between OpenSG 1.8 and OpenSG 2.

So the idea is to be able to specify a classname instead of an existing file, e.g. with the type=INSTANCE. The class builds a custom scenegraph and returns the root node.

So one could specify the terrain in a portable way and build other dynamic representations.

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