Bug #49

EventPipe initialization & PreloadModules

Added by sam g almost 14 years ago. Updated over 13 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:06/06/2011
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Target version:-


Scenario: (under windows)
  1. custom call to NavigationResumeEvent in the Application Class
  2. from that, link the Navigation.dll to the Application
  3. from that, Navigation will be part of PreLoaded Modules
  4. Navigation acquires during Constructor its eventpipe
  5. however during initialization all the existing pipes will be nulled (EventManager::init)
  6. send from the Application an event to the Navigation
    -> a new pipe will be opened
  7. Navigation checks its (constructor fetched) pipe, but this pipe is different than that in the EventManager and therefore never contain any events

possible solution: lazy initialization of the pipe


#1 Updated by sam g over 13 years ago

General question, why do I need a special treatment for preloaded dll under windows at all?

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