inVRs: New Repository Location
The inVRs Repository has been moved to a new location. You can checkout the repository at
If you are on the inVRs_OSG branch, you can use the following command to migrate to the new repo:
svn switch --relocate
inVRs: 25.04.11 OpenSceneGraph support and additional libraries
- The current checkout version of inVRs framework now supports a second scene graph - OpenSceneGraph. This makes the use of a fair set of additional features possible. Thanks a lot to Samuel Gratzl for porting inVRs to OpenSceneGraph.
- The ufo library develeopd by Johannes Zarl is available for the inVRs framework. This library allows the design and usage of flocking and steering algorimthms. A documentaion can be found here.
- An additional module for Free Form Deformation developed by Marlene Hochrieser can be found here.
- An example project developed by Thomas Hribernig during the Mixed Reality Systems course SS 2010 at the JKU Linz can be found here. The application allows to arbitrary arrange pictures taken from a camera or a mobile phone in a CAVE or other immersive environment.
- The inVRs editor, developed by Georg Wöss, is available in a preliminary version in the repository.
inVRs: 17.09.10 inVRs half-day tutorial and presentation
- The Developing VR Applications With The inVRs Framework - Tutorial will be presented on Tuesday 28.09.2010 at the JVRC 2010 in Stuttgart, Germany.
- Course material will be online beforehand here .
- An introduction on how to develop Networked Virtual Environments with inVRs is given on Tuesday 21.09.2010 at the 2010 Virtual Prototyping summer school in Milan, Italy.
inVRs: 04.08.10 - inVRs finally migrated to Redmine
- The inVRs framework changed the web interface from trac to Redmine resulting in many changes of the webpage.
- The repository for the current versions is up and can be publicly checked out from Or accessed via a web interface here .
- Current checkout versions of inVRs contain a branch wich provides support for OpenSG2.
inVRs: 26.12.09 - inVRs half-day tutorial at IEEE VR 2010
- The Developing VR Applications With The inVRs Framework - Tutorial will be presented im March 2010 at the IEEE VR 2010 Conference
- Course material will be online beforehand here.
inVRs: 19.12.09 - New Tool for inVRs and OpenSG available
The 3D Menu system for using basic 3D Menus in arbitrary OpenSG and inVRs applications is available (see Documents section)
inVRs: 29.10.09 - More documentation available.
Christoph Anthes PhD Thesis A Collaborative Interaction Framework for Networked Virtual Environments describing the concepts behind the inVRs framework can be found in the Documents section.
inVRs: 07.09.09 - New inVRs version 1.0alpha5 released
inVRs: 10.08.09 - New inVRs version 1.0alpha4 released
- Updated configuration mechanisms
- The manual for configuring inVRs applications (see Configuring the inVRs Framework section)
- Support for VRPN devices
inVRs: 26.06.09 - The manual for the Avatara package is available
It documents the creation and export of the Avatars with the modeling tools Blender, 3D Studio Max and Maya. The usage of the API for OpenGL, OpenSG and inVRs is described. You can download Avatara and the manual in the document section under Avatara.
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