Feature #12

Unify path-handling of arbitrary URL

Added by Roland Landertshamer over 15 years ago. Updated over 15 years ago.

Status:ClosedStart date:
Priority:HighDue date:
Assignee:Roland Landertshamer% Done:


Category:inVRs (whole framework)
Target version:V1.0 Alpha4 release


Whenever a file is referenced in an inVRs configuration the URL to the file should be obtained by using the UtilityFunctions::getFullPath method which handles the path according to the following rules:

1) path starting with / (on linux or mac systems) or with [A-Z]:\ (on windows systems) is used as absolute path - nothing added or removed

2) path starting with ./ or .\ is used as an relative path to the current directory (usually the path from which the application is executed)

3) if path does not match to 1) or 2) then the path is interpreted as relative to the root path. Thus the root path is added in front of the passed url

Using this method also allows for later addons, like getting a file via http or so.


#1 Updated by Roland Landertshamer over 15 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Resolution set to fixed

most occurences are replaced due to the new configuration file loading mechanism

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