Tutorial 2 - Going Immersive

This tutorial is designed to give an introduction into the slightly advanced features of the inVRs framework. The various setup mechanisms of the previous tutorial are wrapped into functions, which make it much more straight forward to use inVRs.

The use of VR hardware focusing on stereoscopic multi-display installations and tracking systems is explained in depth. In order to create your own input from arbitrary input devices an introduction into that aspect is given. Considering NVEs it is often important to represent the remote user properly. This aspect is covered with an additional explanation of the needed coordinate systems.

After finishing the tutorial the participants are able to create their own input interfaces for specific devices and can develop networked VEs rendered on multi-display systems having an appropriate user representation.

Aspects Covered

  • Wrapping Functionality
  • Using Stereoscopic Multi-Display Installations
  • Input Devices
  • Coordinate Systems
  • Tracking and Avatars

Course Material

  • Manual: inVRs_tutorial_2_going_immersive_tutorial.pdf

    The course material contains a 63 page manual, which can be used to get an insight in connecting inVRs to existing VR installations. The manual can be used as a later reference for a presented version of the tutorial or to perform the tutorial at home.

  • Source GoingImmersive.tar.gz
    The source code, 3d models and configuration data which are needed for this tutorial can be downloaded as .tar.gz file GoingImmersive.tar.gz or as .zip file GoingImmersive.zip. Additionally an installation of the latest inVRs framework is required. Instructions for downloading and installing the inVRs package can be found here.
  • Slides

inVRs_tutorial_2_shot_1.jpg (138 KB) Christoph Anthes, 05/29/2009 02:46 PM

inVRs_tutorial_2_shot_2.jpg (123 KB) Christoph Anthes, 05/29/2009 02:46 PM

inVRs_tutorial_2_shot_3.jpg (158 KB) Christoph Anthes, 05/29/2009 02:46 PM

GoingImmersive.tar.gz - Tutorial compatible with inVRs v1.0alpha5 (2.45 MB) Roland Landertshamer, 09/07/2009 03:16 PM

GoingImmersive.zip - Tutorial compatible with inVRs v1.0alpha5 (2.49 MB) Roland Landertshamer, 09/07/2009 03:16 PM

inVRs_tutorial_2_going_immersive_tutorial.pdf - Tutorial documentation - Compatible with inVRs v1.0alpha5 (4.02 MB) Roland Landertshamer, 09/14/2009 08:24 AM