
This page contains the main documents explaining the inVRs framework.

  • Manuals and Guides
    • Programmers Guide (coming in '10)
      The Programmers' Guide provides a detailed introduction into the components of the framework. Using these components as well as developing new ones is described providing code and configuration examples.
    • Configuring the inVRs Framework
      This document provides a detailed insight in the XML configuration of the inVRs framework. The DTDs for verification are available for download here or online under
    • Extending inVRs (coming in '10)
      This guide is used to explain the concepts and the extension mechanisms of the framework. It is dedicated to people who do not only want to use the framework but as well extend and enhance it.
  • Coding Conventions
    The coding conventions for developing own inVRs code and tools are available here.
  • Document Template
    If you want to contribute to the documentation of the framework you can find a LaTeX document template here.
  • PhD Thesis
    The Thesis "A Collaborative Interaction Framework for Networked Virtual Environments" describes the conceptual aspects behind the framework. It can be downloaded [attachment:"anthes09phd.pdf" here].

Additional code examples can be found in the source distribution of the framework, while the scientific concepts are explained in a variety of publications. An overview of these publications is given in the Bibliography section.