Bug #4

CMake can't find paths on Windows

Added by Roland Landertshamer almost 16 years ago. Updated almost 16 years ago.

Status:ClosedStart date:
Priority:HighDue date:
Assignee:Roland Landertshamer% Done:


Category:inVRs (whole framework)
Target version:V1.0 Alpha2 release


When configuring paths in the user.cmake file cmake has problems detecting it, e.g.:

set (OPENSG_DIR C:\Program Documents\OpenSG)

CMake version: 2.6.3
inVRs: v1.0alpha1


#1 Updated by Roland Landertshamer almost 16 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Resolution set to fixed

Following errors were detected:
1) the backslash (followed by a character) is interpreted by cmake as escape sequence
2) the spaces are interpreted as separators between different definitions

Possible solutions:
1) either use double backslash (\\) instead of single ones for path separation or you can use a single slash (/) instead of a backslash.
2) escape the spaces with a single backslash so that cmake can interpret it correctly

set (OPENSG_DIR C:\\Program\ Documents\\OpenSG)
set (OPENSG_DIR C:/Program\ Documents/OpenSG)

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